Lighthouse GraphQL Passport Auth

GraphQL mutations for Laravel Passport using Lighthouse PHP

Get started fast

Get your Authentication up and running for your GraphQL API with passport and mutations ready to use

Extend based on your needs

Extend or replace the mutations to fit your use case, use your ouw resolvers and take control over your authentication

Install the package

                        composer require joselfonseca/lighthouse-graphql-passport-auth

Get this default Schema for authentication with Laravel Passport

                        extend type Mutation {
                            login(input: LoginInput): AuthPayload!
                            refreshToken(input: RefreshTokenInput): RefreshTokenPayload!
                            logout: LogoutResponse!
                            forgotPassword(input: ForgotPasswordInput!): ForgotPasswordResponse!
                            updateForgottenPassword(input: NewPasswordWithCodeInput): ForgotPasswordResponse!
                            register(input: RegisterInput @spread): AuthPayload!
                            socialLogin(input: SocialLoginInput! @spread): AuthPayload!
                            verifyEmail(input: VerifyEmailInput! @spread): AuthPayload!
                            updatePassword(input: UpdatePassword! @spread): UpdatePasswordResponse!