
This package is pretty customizable, you can extend the mutations or change them completely.

Customizing the schema

The first thing you may want to customize is the schema, for that you can first publish the default schema bu running the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Joselfonseca\LighthouseGraphQLPassport\Providers\LighthouseGraphQLPassportServiceProvider"

This will publish the schema, and a migration needed for the socialite integration.

Then update the configuration file to point the schema file to the load exported file instead of the one provided by the package.

    | GraphQL schema
    | File path of the GraphQL schema to be used, defaults to null so it uses
    | the default location
    'schema' => base_path('graphql/auth.graphql')

From there you can customize the schema to fit your needs.


Say you need to not ust receive the email and password for registration but also you require the phone number. The first thing you need to make sure is that your user model and table has the necessary field. Once your database and model are set up update the schema so the input field for registration is updated with the phone number.

input RegisterInput { name: String! @rules(apply: ["required", "string"]) email: String! @rules(apply: ["required", "email"]) password: String! @rules(apply: ["required", "confirmed", "min:8"]) password_confirmation: String! phone_number: String! @rules(apply: ["required", "string"]) }

This is it! you can now request the phone number as part of registration.

Customizing the resolvers

If you want to customize the login of any of the resolver, you can update the published schema to point to a new resolver in your app

    login(input: LoginInput @spread): AuthPayload! @field(resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Mutations\\Login")

You should now create a resolver App\\GraphQL\\Mutations\\Login that is used in the login mutation.

Ignoring migrations

The package comes with a migration for the socialite integration, if you want to ignore that migration and not have it registered, make sure you delete the migration file exported from the configuration and set the following value to false in the config file.

    | Migrations
    | Use the provided migrations for the socialite providers
    | If you publish the migrations set this to false.
    'migrations' => false,

This way the migration won't be registered, and it will not run

If you want to use Socialite you'll need this migration unless you write your own resolver to handle the social login and update the HasSocialLogin trait.